Boy did we have fun at Christmas time! I posted about some of the Christmas activities before the New Year, but there were also pics that didn’t make it up on the blog before the Great Blog Meltdown of 2023. 😆

Outdoor Snacktime

It is nice to change things up sometimes. We had a little outdoor snacktime on the Plaza Playground.

Judy “Bloom”

Over the Winter Break our classroom Christmas cactus, Judy Bloom, bloomed! She is named after the beloved children’s book author Judy Blume. This year our class read Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume and it quickly became one of our favorite books.

One of 3G’s student hero jobs is to be the botanist. Each week our botanist cares for Judy Bloom, our tall cactus Reggie (short for Reginald Merriweather), and our aloe plant Kyle and his little brother Kevin.