Happy New Year, 3G!

Leaping into 2025!
We are back to school in a new year. There is so much to look forward to and so many happy memories to recall from 2024.

First Activities of 2025

Spirit Day and Christmas Party 2024

Sports Day

Congratulations to all third graders and their families for an exhilarating Sports Day on November 4th! Red Team was the ultimate champion this year accumulating the most points through all the events of the day.
You’ll find more photos and videos on Saint Maur’s social media.

Fun Day
Saint Maur elementary students enjoyed Fun Day as most of the secondary school students were off-campus. The theme of the day was Health, Wellbeing, and Mindfulness. 3G enjoyed sessions on mindful eating, yoga, and exercise. I was surprised how exciting the active Bingo game turned out!

The Walkathon for charity was moved inside the gym due to rain. It was still fun and exhausting.

3G started a unit learning about watercolors in Art Class recently. Students explored two different painting techniques and various textural elements to evoke different feelings in their art.