We launched into our “Shake It!” unit with a milk investigation. Students made some terrific observations as they filtered, whisked, mixed, scooped, and shook the milk. Some key observations were noticing a change in color from white to yellow when shaking and “pure white” milk coming out of the filter while shiny liquid or small bits remained inside. I wonder what that could be? 🤔

Students threw themselves into the Brainwaves mini unit. There is so much to learn about how we learn! We tried to sort out the differences between knowledge, skills, and understanding. 3G worked hard on a small research project to learn how to care for our brains. The class created a hanging mobile full of helpful tips – on the back of neurons! – to teach everyone at Saint Maur how to care for this vital organ. If we take care of our brains, we can grow and learn even more!