Giving Thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Students read about the why and how Thanksgiving is celebrated. They wrote down what they were thankful for and colored the turkey. On the day of Thanksgiving, I created a poster about what I am thankful for. 

Students also surprised me with their thankful messages to me. 

Raffle Tickets
Students got one free raffle ticket, so we went to vote on which prizes we each wanted.

Rock Presentation
Half of the class presented their IPC Rock Presentation. We learned how the rocks are made and all the wonders they had while researching their rocks. We will continue with the other half of the group’s presentation next week!

We have been practicing breathing exercises and meditation in between our lessons. Students enjoyed their first meditation session outside! They also asked to share the link to the video, so I shared it with them on their google classroom. It is important for us all to have a time in our day to stay out from stress and relax. We all felt good after the meditation!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend! 🙂