Dear Parents & children,
How are you doing?
I’m doing fine, but one thing in particular that I miss doing with the children is singing songs.
In my class we generally always start the morning circle time with a song.
It just seems to put us in an upbeat frame of mind ready for learning.
So you guessed it, this story is a singing one. Get yourself comfortable as we sing,
“Itsy Bitsy Spider” by Iza Trapani together!
Click HERE to sing with me!
Best wishes,
Ms Catherine X
Questions to ask:
- What did Itsy Bitsy climb up first?
- Did she try climbing up again?
- Whenever Itsy Bitsy was knocked down, did she give up? Why do you think this?
- After she reached the top of the tree, what did she do?
- At the end of the story Itsy Bitsy is wearing something, can spiders really wear these?
Activities to try:
Itsy Bitsy Spider puppet for fine motor play HERE
Sequencing page click HERE