Library/IPC Unit

Our class seems to enjoy reading since they are always requesting to go to the library to borrow books!Ms.Schumacher; our librarian has shown us how we could check if the books are available through the St.Maur library blog.Also, we had the first opportunity to look through the new books they had just added to the […]

Student Council/ Online Learning

At the start of this week, we held a student council election and voted for a student representing 4K this school year. Each student came up with a profound speech, and with the close votes, we decided on our student council representative. Congratulations! This week was our turn to be online. Despite some difficulties and […]

Welcome to 4K Blog!

Welcome to 4K’s blog!Here we will be updating our learnings and growth throughout this school year! Students started enjoying their first week getting to know one another, learning about the class, and understanding expectations at school.They also had a chance to get photos taken at the photobooth organized by St.Maur parents!I believe you receive an […]