
Sakura Medal Books

Those who read a certain amount of sakura medal books throughout the school year were invited to a voting party!

He read ALL the Sakura medal books this year! Congratulations!

Historical Fiction Book Club

We visited the library to explore historical fiction books for our reader’s workshop.

Students had the opportunity to read the back or the cover of the book and decide on three books they were interested in reading. They will be receiving a book and starting a book club soon!

Writer’s Workshop Celebration/ Earth Day

Today was our celebration for our informative writing unit. Students created items that represent the modern revolutionary activists they researched and prepared posters for their presentation.

Our classroom is slightly dark because we had an elementary school Earth Day competition where we had to save as much electricity as possible!

We celebrated completing our informative book and saving our classroom electricity by eating popcorn!

Well done 4K!! 🙂