Lab Experience & Celebration

Happy Valentine’s Day
Sadly, we continued with our online learning on Monday, but the students surprised me with Valentine’s day cards!
4K students are very thoughtful, and their kindness touched me!
Thank you, everyone!

When we came back, everybody celebrated a belated valentine’s day by sharing treats! We also received Valentine’s gram too!
I hope you enjoyed receiving your Valentine’s gram from your child 🙂

Chemistry Laboratory Visit
4K had an exciting experience in the chemistry laboratory!
Students worked on an experiment making crystals with Dr.Suzuki and learned the process of crystalization.

We took back the solution to see how it crystallizes over time.

Students were excited to see the changes that happened over night!

We thanked Dr.Suzuki the next day with our card and a small gift 🙂

February Birthday
We also celebrated February’s birthday! Happy Birthday 🙂

We finally did our Writer’s Workshop Celebration. Students recorded themselves reading their opinion writing. While we all listened to everyone’s opinion writing, we saw how everyone presented. We all learned what tone of voice we should use and how we could improve our presentation skills.

Students enjoyed some chocolates while we watched everyone’s videos.

Please have a lovely long weekend!