Writer’s Workshop Celebration and more…!

Writer’s Workshop Celebration
Students have been working hard to publish their realistic fiction and they had a big celebration on Tuesday. We had Mrs. Forbes-Dias, Ms. AE, Mrs.Pentland-Smith, and Ms.Furstenau joining our Writer’s Workshop Celebration.

They each had their summary of their realistic fiction on their desks to encourage people to read their work. As they read the story, they wrote positive comments on what each student author did particularly well in their writing.

Book Fair
We visited the book fair and the children browsed the books and created their wishlist. Lower Rec Hall was full of excitement and students were recommending me some books too.
Thanks to all the parents who helped out this event and encouraged students to continue reading!

Also, we received surprise book donations from parents.
Thank you for your generous donations to our classroom library!

Students have been enjoying listening to the book, “Tiger Rising” which is our mentor text for Reader’s Workshop. For art, we decided to draw tiger’s eyes using oil pastels. We worked step by step to draw the eyes and patterns of tiger’s fur.
Though they were all skeptical if their art will look like a tiger but once we started adding the colors, it came to life!

Happy Dwali
We learned what why Dwali is celebrated since it is important to learn about different culture and traditions. Grade 2 also did an assembly which they also told us the mythology of Dwali. (Perfect for our IPC unit!)
At the end of the assembly we danced to an Indian music.

It was a very eventful week!
Please have a restful weekend 🙂