Hello everyone!
Today I’m going to read you a story about some helpful friends and their friendship.
Title of the story is ” Bear Feels Sick ” by Karma Wilson and illustrated by Jane Chapman.
Hope you enjoy it !
Revised Link — Bear Feels Sick -click here to view
Some questions for you to answer…
1. How do you know that Bear felt sick ?
2. Name the first two animals who offered to help the Bear.
3. What did Badger, Gopher and Mole do to make the Bear feel better ?
4. What did the Bear say after he felt better?
5. What happened to all his friends then?
6. What did the Bear say to all his friends at the end?
7. What would you do if your friend feel sick ?
8. How would you make him/her feel better ?
Activities for you to try…
Friendship card
Click HERE
Easy Vocabulary game
Click HERE
Quiz game ” What Am I ? ”
Click HERE