
October 28th (Thursday)
Readers: Read for 30 minutes and log your readings.

Think of a nice cover page for your realistic fiction. You can either decorate on your document OR draw.
Make sure to include your title and your full name.

-Halloween accessories
-100yen for charity
-Bring library books to return or exchange
October 27th (Wednesday)
Readers: Read for 30 minutes and log your readings.

Math worksheet

Writer’s WS:

Please finish typing your realistic fiction.

Second Step:
October 26th (Tuesday)

Readers: Read for 30 minutes and log your readings.

Math workbook Pg.47 #15 to #22

Writer’s WS:

Please type your realistic fiction.
Let’s type for 20 minutes.

Second Step:
Worksheet due on Thursday
October 25th (Monday)
Read for 30 minutes and log your readings.

Math worksheet.
Please show your work in your math notebook.
Please bring back your math notebook.

Writer’s WS:
Please type your realistic fiction.
Let’s type for 20 minutes.
October 13th (Wednesday)
Reading: Read for 30 minutes

If you haven’t finished your TRY, please finish it.
Workbook Pg. 45-46

IPC: Your story for the mythical creature you created last week. (IPC notebook)
October 12th (Tuesday)
Reading: Read for 30 minutes and log your readings.

Math: Pg.43- 45 (up till#4)

IPC: Finish completing making the story, drawing, finishing the description.

Reminder: Urine Specimen due THURSDAY
October 11th (Monday)
Reading: Read myths and legends that you are assigned to read today.

1. Finish Independent Practice Pg.123-124 if you haven’t finished.
2. Long division Worksheet

IPC: Finish the mythical creature description slide if you haven’t finished it during class.
October 7th (Thursday)
Reading: Read for 30 minutes and log your reading

Math: Finish Independent Practice for those who didn’t finish it during class
Pg.41-42 Workbook

IPC: Create a mythical creature. Write a description of how you came up with the character and why it has been created.

Reminder: -Please bring back your signed math Chapter Review tomorrow
October 6th (Wednesday)
Reading: Read for 30 minutes and log your reading

Math: Finish TRY Pg. 117-118 (Paper) Due tomorrow
Finish yesterday’s homelearning if you haven’t finished it yet.

Second Step: Worksheet Due tomorrow

IPC: Create a mythical creature. Write a description of how you came up with the character and why it has been created. Due Friday

October 5th (Tuesday)
Reading: Read for 30 minutes and log your reading

Math: Finish TRY if you haven’t finished it during class
Workbook Pg.31- 40

Second Step: Worksheet due Thursday.
October 4th (Monday)
Reading: Find and read intensely about a myth from your home country.

Math: TRY Pg.110

IPC: Research your home country’s myth or legend.

September 30th (Thursday)

(1) Read for 30 mins and log in your reading log.

(2) Writer’s: Write your plot your story using the bullet points and draw a story arc.

(3) Math: Bar model Worksheet

September 29th (Wednesday)

(1) Read for 30 mins and log in your reading log.

(2) IT: Media Balance Questions. Please bring in your notes tomorrow.

(3)Writers: (In your yellow writer’s notebook) Please write and develop a scene with your character’s struggles. Make it detailed and descriptive.

September 28th (Tuesday)

(1)Read for 30 minutes and log it into your reading log.

(2) Readers: Develop your character. Draw, color, and write descriptions about your character.

(3) IT: Questions: Answer the questions with your parents and have a discussion about Media Balance. You will have up till Wednesday night to have a discussion with your parents or caregivers.

September 27th (Monday)

(1) Read for 30 minutes/ Read intensely and jot down notes in your reader’s notebook. Make sure to bring it back to school for tomorrow.

(2) Math: Chapter Review tomorrow.
Please revise all the questions you made errors.

(3) IT: Questions: Answer the questions with your parents and have a discussion about Media Balance. You will have up till Wednesday night to have a discussion with your parents or caregivers.


September 23rd (Thursday)

(1) Read for at least 30 minutes and complete your reading log.

(2) Math Independent Practice printed pages.


September 22nd (Wednesday)

(1) Read for at least 30 minutes and complete your reading log.

(2) Math TRY printed pages.


September 21st (Tuesday)

(1) Reading for at least 30 minutes and complete your reading log.

(2) Math Worksheet

September 15th (Thursday)

1) Reading for at least 30 minutes and complete your reading log.

(2) IPC: Myth & Legend Worksheet.

September 14th (Tuesday)

(1) Reading for at least 30 minutes and complete your reading log.

(2) Math: Workbook Pg.17-18

(3) Finish all your unfinished assignments.
(Reader’s/Writer’s/Math TRY)

-Math MAP Testing tomorrow. Please bring a book to read if you finish early.

September 13th (Monday)

(1) Read for at least 30 minutes and complete the reading log.

(2) Math: Workbook Pg.13-16

(3) Short Speech for Open House Introduction.
Type your speech on the slide that I shared with you.

*Reminder* Online Learning tomorrow. 8:10am Zoom Call.


September 9th (Thursday)

(1) Read for at least 30 minutes and complete the reading log.

(2) Math: Finish workbook Pg. 11-12

(3) Finish any assignments you haven’t completed today.

September 8th (Wednesday)

(1) Read for at least 30 minutes and complete the reading log.

(2) Math: Finish workbook Pg. 10

(3) Finish any assignments you haven’t completed today.

September 7th (Tuesday)
(1) Read for at least 30 minutes and complete the reading log.

(2) Math: Finish workbook Pg. 9

(3) Finish any assignments you haven’t completed today.

September 6th (Monday)
(1)Reading for at least 30 minutes and complete the Reading Log.

(2) Math: Finish workbook Pg.5-8 / Place Value Chart in your notebook

(3) Finish today’s handwriting

*Reminder* Online learning from tomorrow.
First meeting at 8:15 on Zoom.

September 2nd (Thursday)
(1) Reading for at least 30 minutes and complete the Reading Log

(2) Math: 5-digit numbers in picture, word, standard and expanded form (If you haven’t finished it yet)

(3) IPC: The Olympics and Paralympics Values in Action

(4) Fill up someone’s bucket!

*Reminder* Bring in your library books for book exchange if you would like to borrow new books for next week.


September 1st (Wednesday)
(1) Reading for at least 30 minutes and complete the Wednesday Reading Log

(2) Finish math workbook Pg.3-4


August 31st (Tuesday)
(1) Reading for at least 30 minutes and complete the Tuesday Reading Log

(2)Log in to your Zoom and check if you see the “4K” channel added.

(3)IPC: Describe a time when you made a mistake and what you learned from it.


August 30th (Monday)
(1) Reading for at least 30 minutes and complete the Monday Reading Log

(2) Log into your St.Maur account using google with your laptop/PC/ipad you will be using for your online learning.

(3) Download ZOOM on your laptop/PC/ipad your will be using for your online learning.

(4) Access 4K Google Classroom and follow the instructions written on it. Once you complete the task make a comment saying “I’m done!”