Welcome to a new school year and to our Saint Maur Family! We are heading into our third week of school and already our new classmates have shown signs of settling well into their new school environment.
So far we have six new classmates who have been gradually getting to know both the class routine and their classmates and teachers names.
The beauty of a Montessori classroom is when the older support and help the younger and/or new friends who are unsure at first. It also reinforces and revisits past skills for our older students and builds self confidence for all.
I want to share a snap shot of the children working in the first weeks of school. In a Montessori classroom we call what the children do with his/her activities, “work.” Just like a mother or father goes to work, the child’s work is to learn, refine and develop their skills & abilities along with important social skills in a supportive learning environment.