It was wonderful for the Montessori teachers to welcome the children back into the classroom. In our first few weeks back we also welcomed new classmates, learnt each other’s names and learnt new safety protocols for keeping healthy and safe throughout our school and in the classroom. Thanks to our PSG (Parent Support Group) whose fundraising efforts granted the Montessori school three air-purifiers at the end of last year. They are working wonderfully to keep our air clean and allergies at bay. During circles times it has been a chance for us to get to know more about each other, enjoy stories together, sing songs, share “Show & Tell” and be shown new activities that are on offer. During this hot month we came together in the Upper Rec Hall (URH) to play for our recess times, which was also a chance to get to know other friends in the other two classes.
Take a look at the different activities that we have enjoyed learning from and with others in our class in the first couple of weeks of school.
This month we also practiced our fire (below), earthquake and lockdown drills with the whole school. The children practiced how to line up and leave the classroom quietly for both fire & earthquake drills, so that we could listen for and follow the directions that were given to us. Our class was very quiet, in fact the Montessori children were the quietest to exit the building to our evacuation point.
Dr. Maria Montessori’s 150th Birthday Celebration
If Dr Maria Montessori was alive today she would have turned 150 years old.The Montessori Method has been taught around the world for 110 years and in our school for 48 years.
So we thought that it would be fitting to celebrate with the children by sharing some delicious cupcakes together, which were made by our talented Cezars Kitchen staff.
The children from all three (3) classes coloured in their own cupcake and candle to make a very happy and cheerful display for everyone who walks into our Montessori Building.