Each afternoon our LA 2 students consisting of our older 5 year olds leading into grade one gather together to work on and practice both their reading and writing skills.
During our Open House workshop I shared with parents that this year we have found a happy balance between the Montessori Language curriculum and the Daily 5 program for literacy skills development.
Each afternoon the children will be engaged in completing meaningful literacy tasks.
These consist of:
*Read to self
*Read with someone
*Word work
*Work on writing
*Listening to reading
Each task is being introduced individually. So far the children have made an “Anchor chart” for “Read to self’ & “Work on writing.” Gathering as a group the children have discussed what each task will look like, sound like and feel like to work at it independently. These have been written up with the children and we refer to them each day to keep everyone on task.
As a group of learners we discussed that everyone is working at their own pace. Some of our friends are learning their sounds, some are just learning to fuse three letter words together, while other friends are reading these same words with more fluency. No matter where we are in our learning journey we are doing it together, supporting each other.
In our first week of LA2 the children were given their own book basket which they take each afternoon for “Read to self”. We discussed as a group that we can read books 3 ways.
1.Read the pictures….go on a picture walk.
2.Read the words
3. Retell the story
We have also discussed what it means to have “stamina” when we work on our reading and writing skills. Showing stamina means we need to find that little bit more of energy to keep going when our brain might tell us we are tired! So far the children have been doing great with this each afternoon. By the end of the week the children did a record time of 23 minutes reading their own books!
“Work on writing” was introduced in the second week. At this stage writing is taking on the form of correct letter formation and pencil grip. Booklets with 5 letters each have been presented to the children with a group lesson first to go over where we start and finish each letter. The children were so keen to practice their writing that they asked for more lines to be drawn up to practice. True stamina in action! At the end of this week we will have completed all 5 booklets.
As I shared in the Open house workshop, I have listened to each of the children read to me, so this has given me the chance to prepare appropriate books for each child’s Pick-A-Book envelope. Please read over in the Language Arts information, given out at the workshop to familiarise how you can support your child’s love of reading at home.
My plan is for the envelopes to be sent home on Monday September 30th. As a friendly reminder these envelopes are to be returned to school each Thursday. There will be a basket clearly labelled, Pick-A-Books envelopes here on the wooden table near the water cooler.
Help your child get into a good habit by reminding them to take out their envelope from their backpack as they arrive at school.
Happy reading!
Ms Catherine & Mrs Almoula