Hello Children,
Here are some fun activities you can do today that’s related to Christmas!
Let’s start with a song/dance:
Here are two craft activities:
You will need:
- A paper plate per tree
- Materials to decorate your tree with – stickers, cut up paper (origami, colored paper, etc.) of any shape, pom poms, beads, anything you have!!
- Some brown paper for a base, if you want to hang the tree or a toilet paper roll to make it stand!
- Scissors, Glue and Green paint or crayons.
What to do:
- Take your paper plate and ask your mom or dad to draw lines for you to cut it into a smaller triangle, a medium size triangle and a slightly larger triangle.
- Something like this:
- Color or paint your triangles green. If you use paint, don’t forget to let it dry before going on.
- Paste the three triangles together to make a tree.
- Paste the brown base on the tree.
- Add any decorations you have to make the tree beautiful!!
You can make one, two or all of these!! Have fun!
You will need:
Santa Claus:
- White cardstock or construction paper
- Red crayon, colored pencils or paint for the hat
- Skin color crayon, colored pencils or paint for the face
- Cotton balls
- A small red pom pom
- Googly eyes
- A medium-sized white pom pom
- White or Skin color (peach) cardstock or construction paper
- Green crayon, colored pencils or paint for the hat
- Skin color crayon, colored pencils or paint for the face if you are using white paper
- Red crayon for cheeks
- Cotton balls
- A Small red pom pom
- Googly eyes
- A Medium-sized white pom pom
- Light brown or white cardstock or construction paper
- Light brown crayon, colored pencil or paint, if your cardboard is white.
- Brown crayon, colored pencil or paint, if you wish to color the antlers brown
- A larger red pom pom (for the nose)
- Googly eyes
- If you want lights, you will need white paper, draw and color them.
- Magic marker
***Googly eyes and pom poms are optional. If you don’t have them, just draw them or use paper to make them!!
Card: To make the card, fold any color cardstock or construction paper into a size bigger than your hands or which one or ones you want to put on the front. Write a message inside, such as “Merry Christmas!” Don’t forget to sign (write) your name!!
What to do:
Look at the picture at the top to see your end product!!
- Have someone trace your hand and cut it along the lines. Be careful of the curves!
- Place the hand with the wrist up on the table in front of you.
- Color/paint the center with the color of the face. If you’re using paint, remember it needs to dry first.
- Color/paint the top part and the thumb with red for the hat.
- Glue on small googly eyes.
- Take the cotton ball, make a mustache and glue down and use the rest for the bottom of his hat
- Glue the red pom pom for Santa’s nose and the white one for the tip of his hat.
- Have someone trace your hand and cut it along the lines. Be careful of the curves!
- Place the hand with the fingers up on the table in front of you.
- Color/paint the three middle fingers in green. If you’re using paint, remember it needs to dry first.
- If you’re using white paper, color/paint the bottom part of your hand (palm) and the thumb and pinky (poiny elf ears) with skin color.
- Spread the cotton ball and glue down to the bottom of the hat (green fingers) to make the brim of the elf’s hat.
- Add the googly eyes, pom pom nose, draw the mouth and add two small circles for the cheeks. Finally, glue the white pom poms for his hat and you’re finished!! (If you don’t have pom poms, don’t worry, just crumple up some tissue paper which will make it look just like pom poms for the hat.)
- Have someone trace your hand and cut it along the lines. Be careful of the curves!
- Place the hand with the fingers up on the table in front of you.
- Color/paint either the whole hand light brown, if you are using white paper. If you would like to color all of the fingers a darker brown, you may. They will be the antlers. If you’re using paint, remember it needs to dry first.
- Glue the googly eyes for the eyes and the red pom pom for the nose. If you don’t have them, you could draw them.
- Take the white paper and draw some Christmas lights and color them (or cut them out from colored paper).
- Glue them on to your antlers and draw lines with your magic marker as if the cord is tangled!
You can put a string on the hands and hang them up like ornaments or make cards.
Happy Making!! Please post any work that you’ve done! We’d love to see them.