Welcome to Ms. Sallie’s Story Time! How are you all doing?
My story for today is called,It’s Mine, a fable by Leo Leonni.
It’s Mine by Leo Leonni ~ Click here to view
Here are some questions to think about….
- Do you remember what a fable is?
- What lesson is this story teaching us?
- Can you tell which statements are true or false-that means yes or no:
- In the beginning, Milton, Rupert and Lydia were friends.
- The water really belongs to Milton.
- Crow speaks to the three frogs about their quarreling.
- Rain falls and the water rises.
- The frogs thing that the toad is a rock.
- The frogs do not fight anymore at the end.
- They’ve learned to share.
Did you answer the questions well? I’m sure you did as you are all good listeners.
Now, here are some activities you can do.
1.) Pass the Ice Cream = A Sharing Game
You will need
* 2 or more players (your mom, dad, brothers/sisters, friends, anyone!)
* Paper, a little stiffer than regular paper, to make the cone
* Crayons, colored pencils or something to color with
* Some glue or tape to stick the cone together
* A ball (light weight is good)
-Put lines on a piece of paper like the lines on an ice cream cone and color if you wish.
-Roll the paper into a cone and glue or paste it together. Your cone should be able to fit your ball.
-Now, your ready to play!
-Pass the ball to each other and try not to drop it! How can you share and help each other out? It is good to ask questions like “Would you like some ice cream?” and answer with a “Yes, please,” or “No thank you.”, etc.
Pass the Ice Cream Photos – click here to view
2.) Frog or Toad – What’s the difference?
3.) 5 Green and Speckled Frogs ~ A Song
5.) Frog Craft Ideas
Hope you have fun! See you next time!