© 2021 moc

Visit to the Adult Enrichment Exhibition

One of our Saint Maur Essential Outcomes (SMEOS) promotes in our students to be “Life Long Learners.” So it is always wonderful for young children to see life-long learning in action from their parents. With a short stroll to the new Cougar Cafe & Activity Center we enjoyed looking at the many artistic projects that a number of our class parents engaged in through Adult Enrichment groups.

While we weren’t there for the wonderful performance, we were told that some of our Montessori parents were part of the our Mothers’ singing group called, Mama Melodia. The exhibit of creativity was truly inspiring and we thank all parents for showcasing their talents with us on this day. It was especially fun when classmates were able to take a photo with their parents art piece.

*Names have not been given due to online safety reasons. This link has only been shared with class parents.