Good morning again St. Maur Montessori children and families!
I’m very happy this morning to share another story with you.
I have chosen a book that most of you know, because I want YOU to help me read this story! Your parents will be surprised, but I know that many of you know the rhythm, and the rhymes from Dr. Seuss’, THE CAT IN THE HAT.
Today, can you draw a hat that looks like the one that the Cat in the Hat is wearing? Or maybe you’d like to make one out of colored paper, scissors and glue? Maybe you could draw/make your hat…. ontop of a cat?!
What are some activities that ‘real’ cats enjoy doing? Are those activities similar to what the cat in this story does? What things does this cat in the hat do during his day?
Would you like to share a picture of your drawing, in the comment section with us? Or maybe you have a real cat in your house that you could show us…?