Hello everyone,
If we were at school today, it would be International Day. I would be able to see everyone in a special outfit. Did you know that we have 26 nationalities amongst all of the children and teachers who are in and teach in the Montessori? You are very lucky to have so many friends from around the world!
Please enjoy the story for today! You will have a little treat!
Hello & The World Turns Round and Round – Click here to view
Here are some questions to answer:
- What present did you like the most?
- How do you say “grandmother” or “grandfather” in your language?
- What present would you like to receive?
Here is a *Hello” Song in many languages:
Here are some activities from different countries:
1.) Flag Wreath – World-wide
Children love flags. You can make a flag wreath with your hands! Have your mommy or daddy trace around your hand (you can try too!). Cut it out and then make it into a flag. Make as many as you want to and then paste it together into a circle. You’ve made a Flag Wreath!! You are a Global Citizen!
You may want to paste the hands on a circular backing.
Flags of Children at Saint Maur Montessori – Click here to view
(Apologies if any flags are missing.)
2.) Dream Catcher ~ Native American Indians (U.S.A.)
A dream catcher is a ring that catches bad dreams and let’s you sleep peacefully through the night. You can make one using a cardboard ring or by using a paper plate. You can stick anything on the ring to decorate it, such as paper, straw pieces, beads, feathers, macaronis, whatever you have and like, just the the pictures below. The string in the middle (optional) represents a spider web. Spiders were known, by the Native Americans, to catch the bad dreams and make them disappear in the sunlight. Please enjoy!
Here are some dreamcatchers you might like to copy….
3.) LEGO Maze – from Denmark to all over the world
Did you know that LEGO came from Denmark and the name comes from 2 Danish words “leg godt” which means “play well”? The first LEGO was made 70 years ago!
Can you make mazes and use a marble to go through the maze?
I hope you enjoyed today’s story and activities. You will be receiving another post later on today because it’s International Day at Saint Maur! Until next time….. Bye!