Trois Ono
The Cougar News Network has buzzed around the Saint Maur community since its re-establishment in March 2023. The student-led news network takes the acronym CNN, a parody of the well known American broadcasting company Cable News Network, publishing monthly episodes on their YouTube channel.
The Cougar News Network originally began in 2015, led by Dr. Stayanoff. As an elementary schooler, I was interested in joining but could not due to unforeseen circumstances. It was in 2021 when I thought I should revive the network seeing a decline in student participation in extracurricular activities and overall problems of miscommunication. Then, after heavy consultation with my fellow Grade 11 team members Charles, Ricky, and Carol, we were able to begin our CAS project.
Our team has made it our mission to serve broadcast journalism for the students at Saint Maur. Since February, we have been interviewing members of the Saint Maur community to see what the Saint Maur community truly thinks about certain issues. In order to improve upperclassmen-lowerclassmen relations, we’ve taken action by collecting advice from the upperclassmen and compiling them into a segment in our first episode. We have also worked with some of the other student-led clubs at the school, showcasing the amazing clubs students should be participating in.
CNN has received positive feedback from both students and faculty members. “We want to inspire those younger than us that it is entirely possible to create a name for yourself in this school and push for your goals, no matter how late,” Carol says.
Our team is excited about the potential CNN holds and wants you to be excited for it as well. We urge the Saint Maur community to support CNN by subscribing to our YouTube channel and giving our latest episode a thumbs up.
Trois Ono