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Kids: Sports Day!

Jessica Bacon

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On November 3rd, the entire school missed class for none other than the great Sports Day! Though the day was fun enough for middle and high school students, for elementary students, Sports Day is always a highlight of their year. 


The kids participated in many different sports, such as tug of war, frisbee-throwing, running, and many more. The cheers were loud, and the laughter even louder. 



This year, many parents came to watch their kids play as they sat on the bleachers cheering. Some parents even participated in the three-legged race with their kids!



The fifth graders, being the oldest out of the elementary school, were kind enough to help the teachers throughout the day, and proved to be very helpful.



Overall, the kids had loads of fun earning points for their respective teams of blue, green, red, and yellow. Despite the competition, they displayed immense sportsmanship and enthusiastic participation. In the end, the blue team won!


Jessica Bacon