
Teacher of The Cycle: Mr. Boyd

Maoko Ishikami

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This week, I interviewed Mr. Boyd, an IB Economics teacher here at Saint Maur. As a student of his, I find his classes engaging and fun, and his teaching style is one which students can actively speak up in while connecting different economic topics to real life situations. His teaching not only allows students to learn about economics in a structured way, but it also enhances their understanding of current global issues, allowing them to see what they learned in the classroom be reflected outside of that scope. He is popular amongst many students, which explains why I (and many others) wanted to get to know more about his life outside the classroom, so I interviewed him to gain some interesting insights and background about his life. 



Question 1: Where were you born? 


“I was born at home, not in a hospital!” 


He exclaims with a smile on his face. Mr. Boyd was born in Omagh, County Tyrone, of Northern Ireland. It is a small market town, made up of lowlands and hills. 


Question 2: Describe your childhood in a few words. 


“Rural. In the countryside.” 


He was always surrounded by forests, and his father was a forester. His family had a semi-farm, and there were many animals there. “Donkeys, cows, chickens, dogs, cats, and lots of space. We also grew vegetables there, so we were pretty self-sufficient. When I think of my best childhood memory, my mind goes to the animals”, he says with a smile.  


Question 3: What was your favorite activity to do as a kid? 


“Playing in the forest!”


He answers with a look of reminiscence on his face. “We would play soldiers in the forest, and throw pinecones at each other. Very fun times.” 


Question 4: How/why did you become a teacher? 


“By default. My sister was a teacher, my best friend was a teacher,…” 


Question 5: Tell me a bit about your uni life. 


He answered this question straightforwardly, “I studied Economics and Business Management in the University of Glasgow”. When asked to describe his university life in a few words, he exclaimed, “socially fantastic!” 


Question 6: What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? 


“I can’t say.” 


A suspicious smile takes over his face. 


Question 7: What is your favorite thing about Saint Maur?


“The students are brilliant. They’re highly likable, and well-rounded. Truthfully, the students are great.”


Question 8: Favorite food? 


“Indian food. I love certain types of curries.”


Question 9: Favorite movie of all time? 


He answers with excitement after a moment of thought. “This is Spinal Tap, definitely. It’s a mockumentary about a rock band. Absolutely brilliant!” 


Question 10: Favorite song of all time? 


“Hmm… Can it be an album? Back in Black by AC/DC. All the songs on there are absolutely brilliant!” 


Question 11: Okay, last question. Any life advice for your students? 


He answers as the school bell rings for the start of first period. “Enjoy life- be happy!” 


As he walks off down the high school hallway, laptop in hand, I see multiple students wave and smile at him- another evidence of his likable nature. Thank you Mr. Boyd for being our Teacher of The Cycle!


Maoko Ishikami