Japanese Culture Days
This year our Japanese Culture Week took on a different format, as we got creative with how to present activities and experiences without face to face contact with you, our parents. We started the week with the song Sakura, which was beautifully sung by Jasmine’s mum.
Then our two live Zoom presentations began with Riona’s parents sharing a “Sumo origami game“, which was very popular to play even after lunch!
Riona’s mum showed us how to fold our origami paper step-by-step. And then it was time to play!
Riona’s parents also kindly prepared origami paper and instructions to make more sumo’s at home.
Then Anna’s parents shared “Rajio taiso” exercises. We got our bodies moving as we followed Mr Iwama’s directions.
Followed by Amelie’s mum who helped us learn a Japanese children’s song about a lunch box or obento in Japanese.
The children then made an obento lunch box craft by following her step-by-step directions, with the packages she had thoughtfully prepare for each child.
The next day we enjoyed listening to the story, The Toothpick warriors told by Anja’s mum. A good story sharing with the children the importance of good manners and hygiene.
We enjoyed a kamashibai story about a children’s famous Japanese super hero known as, “Anpan man”, told by Anna’s daddy.
And then on our last day of Japanese Culture week we listened to Mondo’s dad tell us about just some of the hundreds of Japanese monsters or better known as, Yokai. A couple of these monsters or oni we already knew about from Setsubun celebrated in February.
Then to finish off our week of activities in the classroom, Ethan’s mum showed us how to prepare miso soup and we even got to taste a little in class that she had kindly prepared for us.
Each year our Japanese Department invite a performer to our school to share one element of the Japanese Culture. This year we listened to Okinawan music.
The amount of creativity, talent and support amongst our class is just amazing. Thank you to our parents who contributed to our unique Japanese Culture Week. The memories, learning and impression you have made on the children is truly what makes a supportive and caring school community that both Mrs Almoula and I are so fortunate to be a part of.
We thank you for all your time and effort to bring these activities and experiences into our classroom.