Our Visit to the JGDA

Recently ESSC organized a fundraiser for the Japan Guide Dog Association (JGDA) where students had the opportunity to guess how many PET bottle caps were in a jar.  Our fundraiser was a success and we were able to raise 32,400yen!

On Friday May 31st, Elementary School Student Council representatives went to visit the JGDA facilities for a presentation and to hand over the profit we raised. The presentation taught us about the everyday life of visually impaired individuals, the difficulties they encounter in society and the benefits they gain from having a guide dog to assist them. We got to meet and hear stories from an individual who benefits from the organizations support. As well, we learned how they train guide dogs, the services they provide and witness demonstrations. We even got to be a part of a demonstration.

ESSC had a great time!

ESSC has been Busy!

ESSC has been busy lending a hand in Elementary, initiating the Cougar Community Umbrella Project and collecting PET bottle caps for the ECOCAP organization. Great work class representatives!